Yoga Reels
Welcome to the Ki Yoga Reels, where we have curated a series of short videos aimed to helping you achieve the ideal alignments for various yoga poses. With step-by-step instructions, you will be getting into and out of these poses safely and enjoying the full benefits after
Happy Baby Pose - Ananda Balasana
The Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)
The Triangle Pose, or Trikonasana in sanskrit, with Triko meaning triangle and asana meaning pose. A foundational pose in Yoga, it strengthens and lengthens the hamstrings and groin while also opening the shoulders and stretching the hips. The foundational posture is named for the triangle shape your body forms in the pose.
The are 5 key benefits to practising the Triangle Pose:
- Stability is improved. Your core muscles are activated in the triangle posture, which helps with balance and stability.
- The spine is stretched and lengthened. This position can help to loosen tightness in the spine and back, allowing for more flexibility.
- Hips and shoulders are opened. The triangle posture increases mobility and reduces injury risk by unlocking the hip flexors and shoulders.
- It stimulates your inside organs. Trikonasana activates your core, which stimulates your digestive organs to kick-start detoxification processes.
- Reduces anxiety. The triangle pose can help to relieve stress in the lower back, which is where a lot of people carry their stress.
Watch our video demonstration by Linh to learn how to get into and out of the Triangle pose.
The Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana)
Happy Baby Position is a pleasant and calming pose that is wonderful for the body, particularly as a warm-up or a cool-down exercise. It requires rolling from side to side while resting on your back, with legs and hips raised towards the sky in a relaxed position. Happy Baby Pose is a simple technique that is suitable for beginners. Some of the health benefits of the Happy Baby Pose:
- Opens the inner thighs, hips, and groin.
- Decreases lower back discomfort.
- Realigns and stretches the spine
- Relieves stress and anxiety
Some tips to aid you in practicing the pose:
- Let your head, shoulders, lower back and hips remain in contact with the floor or mat at all times. Try not to raise them as you raise up to connect with your toes.
- If you can't reach your toes, just grab hold of your ankles or shins and the pose will work just as fine.
- Remember, this is a relaxing pose so you should feel totally at ease and able to hold the pose for a long period without feeling any tension.
The Eagle Pose (Garudasana)
The name comes from the Sanskrit words ‘garuda’ means eagle and 'asana' means pose. Garuda is known as the king of the birds. This majestic-looking standing pose is also referred under the category of balancing poses and works to strengthen the legs. Benefits of the Eagle pose include:
- Stretches hips deeply. Eagle Pose is a deep hip opener. The further you sit back in the chair position, and the tighter you wrap your legs, the deeper the hip stretch.
- Promotes deep breathing. Wrapping your arms in front of you helps open the back of the lungs, increasing the ability to breathe deeply.
- Increases focus and balance. Balancing on one foot challenges your concentration and allows you to concentrate on your breath and on the moment.
- Helps open the shoulders. When you bind your fore-arms, you will stretch and open up tight shoulders when you round your back.
The Crow Pose
The Crow Pose or Kakasana in sanskrit is an arm balance pose in Yoga. It is considered one of the fundamental arm balances and mastering it will open up a other omore advanced arm balances. It is the perfect balance of holding on and letting go. Crow Pose invites you to accept your fears and embrace the courage to fly.
Benefits of the Crow Pose includes:
- Strengthens upper body strength and endurance - especially the shoulders and wrist.
- Trains breath control during the pose, while you try to achieve balance and focus through breathing into your core and shoulders.
- Develops confidence and body balance through your arms, which aids in achieving advanced arm balances and inversions.
Have fun with this pose by following our guide in the video above!
The Baby Cobra Pose
The Cobra pose is a beginner backbend that increases the flexibility of the spine. Its Sanskrit name is Bhujangasana, which is derived from the words bhujanga (meaning “serpent”) and asana (meaning “pose”). It opens the chest and shoulders, stretches the chest and stimulates the digestive organs for better digestion. It is also great for strengthening the legs, buttocks and back, great for easing sciatica pain. This is a pain associated with the sciatic nerve, which branches from your lower back through your hips and buttocks and down each leg. Here we will learn about the Baby Cobra Pose, which is a gentler variation of the full pose, and is thus suitable for all levels.