Xin Wei

Xin Wei began her yoga journey in 2018, and her passion for the art of yoga has grown over time. 5 years later, she obtained her 200hr Hatha TTC under Jal Yoga International in 2022.
Her favorite asana is a headstand, or inversions of any kind, as it brings her to the present moment. She remembers fondly of her "breakthrough moments' on the mat: lifting off from bridge to wheel, doing a straddle press up in tripod, and being strong enough to do her first chaturanga. She believes that yoga is not about achieving fancy poses on Day 1, but building enough awareness in your body and mind such that the pose naturally comes to you.
She is a firm believer that yoga is truly for everyone, and she hopes to debunk the myth of being 'too inflexible/ too unfit' for yoga. As someone who used to struggle with showing up for P.E. back in school, she welcomes people of all fitness levels to join her on the mat.


200-hour Hatha Teachers' Training (2022)